
In this piece, I wanted to capture the physical imprints on the mind that memories leave.  Most are from the collective memory of the human race, predating us as individuals.  It reiterates the notion that all knowledge is already in existence around us, it is only a matter of time until we discover these truths for ourselves.  These memories are the most significant part of our minds as they shape our interpretation of reality. The gold detailing represents the magical ability of the amazing mind to superimpose our ideas on everything, so much so that in the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson – “at the present time, is, that they are not new, but the very oldest of thoughts cast into the mold of these new times”.

Oil on Primed Canvas; Gallery wrapped; Hang Ready


This work is a contemplative piece, as I wanted to depict the physical imprints on the mind that memories leave. Some of these memories may be ours, but many are from the collective memory of the human race, predating us as individuals. It reiterates the notion that all knowledge is already in existence around us- it is only a matter of time until we discover these truths for ourselves. These memories are the most significant part of our minds as they shape our interpretation reality. The gold detailing represents the magical ability of the amazing human mind to superimpose our ideas on everything, so much so that in the words of Anaïs Nin- ‘We don’t see things as they are, but as we are’.

Oil on Primed Canvas; Gallery wrapped; Hang Ready

Additional information

Dimensions 36 × 48 in
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